“Gone with the Wind” Package

Like our novel package, but even longer! This package has no word count/page limit. Our Gone with the Wind package includes two complimentary hard cover copies of your book, and will artfully entwine the life story of both you and your fiancé.

Because the scope of this package is so large, in-depth interviews with the bride and groom, as well as with family and friends are included. Also included is attendance of any other events you would like recorded, including dress shopping, bridal showers, engagement parties, etc. You will receive two hard cover copies of your story, as well as up to 10 illustrations, and a framed, hand-lettered art print of a favorite passage.

Please contact us for a custom quote*

*A story this long will take a full year to craft. Our prices reflect that. If you have your heart set on this particular package, we can work with you to figure out a payment plan to make it possible.